New Arrivals 2018
This year's naming theme will be Mountains/Mountain Ranges. I expect we'll have some interesting names.
A note regarding pricing - It's not random, or set on a whim. We have been working hard to bring in and breed high quality animals, and our prices will follow a formula that reflects that. We do offer a discount to homes that show and/or participate in DHI or Linear Appraisal.
All wethers will be priced at $100 each, or $160 for a pair.
All does and intact bucks will be priced based on the accomplishments of their dam. Pricing is as follows
A note regarding pricing - It's not random, or set on a whim. We have been working hard to bring in and breed high quality animals, and our prices will follow a formula that reflects that. We do offer a discount to homes that show and/or participate in DHI or Linear Appraisal.
All wethers will be priced at $100 each, or $160 for a pair.
All does and intact bucks will be priced based on the accomplishments of their dam. Pricing is as follows
Base Price: $350
*M in butterfat and/or protein: +$50 *M in production: +$50 E in mammary: +$50 Champion win: +$50 (max 4) SG: +$50 LA 90 or above: +$50 |
GraniteAcres DS Sabrina Crpntr X Camanna Mr. Darcy
April 5, 2018
Twins - 1 doe, 1 buck
The first kidding of the year started us off nicely. Easy delivery for Sabrina, and two strong healthy babies.
Twins - 1 doe, 1 buck
The first kidding of the year started us off nicely. Easy delivery for Sabrina, and two strong healthy babies.
GraniteAcres MB Aradia X Camanna Mr. Darcy
April 7, 2018
Quads - 1 doe, 3 bucks (2 deceased)
This was a tough one. I arrived home from work and immediately went to check on Aradia. She had 2 babies out, up, and dry, and a 3rd was out, but still in the sac, and was already gone. The 4th was presenting in one of the worst positions we've had to deal with. One front leg was out, the other was tucked between the back legs which were forward, and the head was back and to the side. With a friend's help we tried everything we could to turn the head forward to make delivery easier, but the baby by that point was already gone, and it became about saving Aradia. We finally just had to pull him as he was. Thankfully, Aradia and the first two babies are all doing well.
Quads - 1 doe, 3 bucks (2 deceased)
This was a tough one. I arrived home from work and immediately went to check on Aradia. She had 2 babies out, up, and dry, and a 3rd was out, but still in the sac, and was already gone. The 4th was presenting in one of the worst positions we've had to deal with. One front leg was out, the other was tucked between the back legs which were forward, and the head was back and to the side. With a friend's help we tried everything we could to turn the head forward to make delivery easier, but the baby by that point was already gone, and it became about saving Aradia. We finally just had to pull him as he was. Thankfully, Aradia and the first two babies are all doing well.
New Creations TS She's Spot On *M X Stay Awhile Cruz Control *B
April 10, 2018
Triplets - 3 bucks (2 deceased)
I suspect that Spot may have been bred 2 different times, several days apart. One of the babies was over 3 pounds, and very well developed. The other 2 were barely 1.5 lbs and were underdeveloped. One was never even able to hold his head up on his own. After 3 days and nights of fighting, we lost both of the little ones. The bigger baby is doing quite well, and is getting so much milk he's positively rotund.
Triplets - 3 bucks (2 deceased)
I suspect that Spot may have been bred 2 different times, several days apart. One of the babies was over 3 pounds, and very well developed. The other 2 were barely 1.5 lbs and were underdeveloped. One was never even able to hold his head up on his own. After 3 days and nights of fighting, we lost both of the little ones. The bigger baby is doing quite well, and is getting so much milk he's positively rotund.
Rusty R BL Cooky X Stay Awhile Cruz Control *B
April 10, 2018
Triplets - 1 doe, 2 bucks
Cooky's delivery thankfully went smoothly, after the trauma of Spot's. She is a first freshener, however, and seemed overwhelmed by having 3 little babies running around. We ended up taking the doeling as a bottle baby, and Cooky is a devoted mother to the two little boys. The little doeling is pictured with my daughter because it's next to impossible to get a picture of her on the ground, as my daughter has claimed her for her own.
Triplets - 1 doe, 2 bucks
Cooky's delivery thankfully went smoothly, after the trauma of Spot's. She is a first freshener, however, and seemed overwhelmed by having 3 little babies running around. We ended up taking the doeling as a bottle baby, and Cooky is a devoted mother to the two little boys. The little doeling is pictured with my daughter because it's next to impossible to get a picture of her on the ground, as my daughter has claimed her for her own.
GraniteAcres PH Jen Lawrence X Sugar Moon O Sky Pilot *B
April 11, 2018
Twins - 2 girls
I'm always a bit nervous when it's time for first fresheners to kid. Thankfully, I didn't need to be with this one. She delivered both healthy doelings without any assistance, though I was right there just in case.
Twins - 2 girls
I'm always a bit nervous when it's time for first fresheners to kid. Thankfully, I didn't need to be with this one. She delivered both healthy doelings without any assistance, though I was right there just in case.
Almar Acres DJ Gold Fire Moon 2*M X Sugar Moon O Sky Pilot
April 13, 2018
Triplets - 1 doe, 2 bucks
Goldie had the first kid no problem, but wasn't making any progress on the 2nd. So I went in to check things out, and discovered the kid was turned sideways, so all I could feel was a ribcage. Once again I had to call in help. It took a lot of effort, and a few panicked moments where we thought we were going to have to get the vet out, before we got him turned enough that we were able to get him out. He was gone by that point, but baby number three came out strong and healthy right behind him.
Triplets - 1 doe, 2 bucks
Goldie had the first kid no problem, but wasn't making any progress on the 2nd. So I went in to check things out, and discovered the kid was turned sideways, so all I could feel was a ribcage. Once again I had to call in help. It took a lot of effort, and a few panicked moments where we thought we were going to have to get the vet out, before we got him turned enough that we were able to get him out. He was gone by that point, but baby number three came out strong and healthy right behind him.
GraniteAcres WB Rowan Blanchrd x Castle Rock Rowan Moon *B
May 3, 2018
Twins - 2 bucks
Twins - 2 bucks
Rusty R HS Chianti x GraniteAcres MD Moonshine
May 5, 2018
Single - buck
Single - buck
GraniteAcres MD Suthern Comfort x Castle Rock Rowan Moon *B
May 6, 2018
Twins - 2 Does
SoCo had 2 girls while I was working, and both seemed to be doing well. Unfortunately, when I got home from work the next evening, one of them was cold, and almost gone. I spent several hours doing everything I could to warm her up and pull her through, but lost her in the end.
Twins - 2 Does
SoCo had 2 girls while I was working, and both seemed to be doing well. Unfortunately, when I got home from work the next evening, one of them was cold, and almost gone. I spent several hours doing everything I could to warm her up and pull her through, but lost her in the end.
Sun Catcher T Pequot x GraniteAcres MD Moonshine
May 8, 2018
Triplets - 1 Doe, 2 Bucks
Triplets - 1 Doe, 2 Bucks
Mistwood PC Pandora x Castle Rock Rowan Moon *B
May 8, 2018
Single - 1 buck
Single - 1 buck
Mistwood LJJ Calico Rose x Castle Rock Rowan Moon *B
May 9, 2018
Twins - 2 bucks
Both sold as wethers
Twins - 2 bucks
Both sold as wethers
SG GraniteAcres WB Andromeda x Castle Rock Rowan Moon *B
May 21, 2018
Twins - 2 bucks
Both sold as wethers
Twins - 2 bucks
Both sold as wethers
GraniteAcres WB Lola Bunny x GraniteAcres MD Moonshine
May 23, 2018
Triplets - 1 doe, 2 bucks
bucks sold as wethers
Triplets - 1 doe, 2 bucks
bucks sold as wethers
Lukalah Farm BZ Sweet Cheeks x Castle Rock Rowan Moon *B
May 24, 2018
Twins - 1 doe, 1 buck
Twins - 1 doe, 1 buck
SG Camanna TC Lyrical Lily 1*M x Castle Rock Rowan Moon *B
May 30, 2018
Twins - 1 doe, 1 buck
Twins - 1 doe, 1 buck
Camanna Blue Sangiovese 1*M x Castle Rock Rowan Moon *B
June 16, 2018
Twins - 2 girls
Twins - 2 girls